

十大菠菜台子 工程与计算机科学学院 offers unique 学术研究机会. SECS can boast a number of well-equipped research and development laboratories, where state-of-the-art research in various areas of engineering and computer science are being pursued.

  • 静力学与动力学实验室 
  • 热力学实验室 
  • 流体力学实验室 
  • 材料力学实验室
  • 材料性能实验室
  • 机械系统CAD/CAM实验室
  • 制造工艺实验室
  • 摩擦学实验室
  • 两相流研究实验室
  • 热科学研究实验室
  • 光学测量与质量检验实验室
  • 激光干涉测量应用实验室
  • 全息应用实验室
  • 光学无损检测实验室
  • 三维计算机视觉实验室
  • 计算流体力学与传热研究实验室

The ECE department today can boast of a well known research center as well as a number of well equipped research and development laboratories, where state-of-the-art research in various areas of ECE are being pursued. 这些包括:

应用电磁学及无线实验室, 由阿洛伊教授指导, combines its expertise in applied electromagnetics and wireless applications, along with its measurement and modeling capabilities to address issues relating to signal propagation modeling, 信道特性, EMC, 天线设计, 以及天线在复杂结构上的性能. Antenna measurements at the component-level can be performed from 1.0 GHz至6 GHz.0 GHz in an anechoic chamber while vehicle-level antenna measurements can be made at the Automotive Antenna Measurement Instrumentation (AAMI), 哪个是球形近场系统. AAMI是由美国国家科学基金会提供的40万美元资助的. Also, four workstations equipped with advanced hardware and three-dimensional electromagnetic field solver softwares are available to perform antenna modeling, 天线位置, EMC, 散射分析. 了解更多:  www.奥克兰.edu/aewl/
This laboratory, 由切克教授指导, was established by a grant from Ford Motor Company. It emphasizes use of computer-aided software for designing virtual rapid prototyping of mechatronics components and systems. Saber和simplover就是两个这样的软件包. Students procure parts and build their mechatronic project based on the design. Numerous term projects built from this approach have timely and successfully been completed by students.
宽频无线通讯实验室, 李教授指导, is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to pursue advanced research in various areas of wireless communication. 当前项目之一, 由美国国家科学基金会和通用汽车公司资助, involves development of an wireless ultra wideband (UWB) sensor network for automotive vehicles.
由陆教授于八十年代初创立, the 机器人与高级自动化中心 (CRAA) at 十大菠菜台子 has been at the forefront of research and development in the areas of controls, 机器人, 自动化和机器视觉. Over the last two decades, CRAA has successfully completed numerous R&D projects sponsored and funded by the national research organizations and agencies, 国防部和军事部门, 本地汽车工业, 以及密歇根州. 除了资助的项目, the faculty associated with CRAA has published numerous articles in various academic and technical journals, industrial magazines and conference proceedings to report and disseminate their research findings.
克莱斯勒焊接研究实验室, 达斯教授指导, 于2003年由克莱斯勒公司捐赠成立. It serves as an active research center for development of advanced techniques for weld monitoring and control. 它配备了许多交流和MFDC焊接控制器, 工业标准焊枪, and facilities for conducting research in the area of advanced weld control techniques.
克莱斯勒控制与机器人实验室, 由达斯教授和顾教授共同指导, 由克莱斯勒公司捐赠于2006年成立. It serves as an active research center in various areas of controls and 机器人. It is equipped with two state-of-the-art industrial-grade robots, 先进的控制设备, and advanced communication hardware to pursue advanced research in simulation and testing of robotic control and communication schemes.
嵌入式工程研究实验室, 由Rawashdeh教授指导, 从事方法论的研究, design, 验证, 以及嵌入式系统的实现. The lab's current research focus is on online reconfiguration as means to fault-tolerance for real-time safety-critical distributed embedded systems targeting automotive applications. Other interests and extensive experiences are in the areas of rapid prototyping, 产品开发, data acquisition and control in addition to novel technologies for low- and high-altitude autonomous aerial vehicle systems.
智能地面车辆实验室, 由切克教授指导, 强调移动机器人的系统集成技术. 机器人平台包括Airtrax全方位车辆, 一种背负式, 许多学生制造了遥控车辆. 机器人的导航技术包括计算机视觉, 超宽带测距无线电, GPS, LIDAR, IMU, etc. 嵌入式 communication and control devices are essential for the system integration. The key technologies lie in the communication networks and artificial intelligence of the mobile robot.
微电子学 & 仿生系统设计实验室
微电子系统设计实验室, 由Abdel-Aty-Zohdy教授指导, 是公认的设计研究中心吗, testing and evaluation of prototype Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSIC). MSDL拥有专业知识, tools and facilities needed to build advanced microelectronic circuits and systems for the defense, 生物医学, 以及工业应用. 其中包括专用集成电路(asic), 集成信号处理电路, 传感器和执行器集成接口电路, 神经网络, 智能集成电路的模拟和数字实现, 汽车电子设计, 评价, 实现, 和测试.
微机电系统(MEMS)实验室, 渠教授指导, was established recently to pursue advanced research in MEMS and Nano-electromechanical Systems (NEMS). It has a fume hood and wet chemical etch setup for MEMS device fabrication preparation, 也有配备COMSOL的工作站, 导师图形, 以及其他软件. Most fabrication processes are carried out at the Michigan Nanofabrication Facility. The lab is equipped with mechanical and optical characterization tools for MEMS devices, 包括精密转台, 电磁振动筛, 激光测振仪和其他仪器.
The 实时 嵌入式 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Systems Laboratory, 由甘山教授指导, 参与尺寸的高效和优化设计, 电力消耗, 表演, 特性, 和成本. This lab focuses on analysis of the embedded systems for ability to meet critical and non-critical tasks, 满足功能性和非功能性需求. 能够通过调整任务计划来节省电力, 采用先进的DSP处理器, advanced FPGAs with soft-core multiple CPUs and microcontrollers with wired or wireless interfaces, CAN(控制器局域网)等网络协议分析, 在恶劣环境下使用MEMs设计传感器, multiprocessor and multi-core CPUs based design for high 表演 and fault tolerance, 有哪些研究领域.

The research mission of this lab is to design and develop large-scale, 实时, 嵌入式, 和DSP系统. Also, we collaborate to world class corporate labs to meet the recent research challenges, 即, 日立, 德州仪器公司, 免费的规模, Intel, 美国陆军, SAE, etc.

Following courses are offered by RTEDSP at the graduate level in the area of 嵌入式系统, DSP, 和实时系统.




ECE 570 基于微处理器的系统设计(4) Dr. Subra Ganesan
ECE 573 嵌入式系统验证 & 验证(4) Dr. Subra Ganesan
ECE 576 基于FPGA的嵌入式系统(4) Dr. Subra Ganesan
ECE 664 并行嵌入式计算机体系结构(4) Dr. Subra Ganesan
ECE 666 实时系统(4) Dr. Subra Ganesan
ECE 671 DSP在嵌入式系统中的应用(4) Dr. Subra Ganesan

Subra Ganesan博士.D.

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